05 Sep Videos from Siberia
A few of Don's On the Road video vignettes. Don's Driver Shirt http://youtu.be/E2LSwao4Hb0 More of Don's Driver Shirt http://youtu.be/Dh3kGy3i528 Final sight of Don's Driver Shirt (we hope) http://youtu.be/udqt4TGbKIE ...
05 Sep Siberia to Vladivostok
The final 2300 miles from Ulaan Baatar to the seaside city of Vladivostok were completed with a skeleton crew of chickens. Don was accompanied by Will, Tommy, and newcomer Alex, of the Vermont-based Blue Eyed Grizzly Clan rally team. We'd met Alex and his teammates...
26 Aug On to Vladivostok
The bus left Ulan Baatar on Saturday morning, August 24th. On board for the 2300 mile trip to Vladivostok are Don, Will Houtz, Tommy Schultz, and Alex Gunter (recently of the Vermont based Blue Eyed Grizzly Clan rally team). They are still using the tracker, so...
15 Aug Lake Baikal
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]-the largest freshwater lake in the world Aug 11-13 Ah so nice to relax for a full day and two nights at a lakeside campground in Baikal. We stopped at a supermarket in Irkusk before driving the winding mountain roads along the lakeshore, so we were...
13 Aug “Speeding” up the M53 Aug 10th
We were complaining about the poor road conditions earlier this morning, so karma decided to punish us with a turn to gravel from asphalt. Yep, the main highway connecting southern and central Siberia is only paved about half of the time. A long day, but thanks...