Romania Tag

Through the kindness of our fellow ralliers, the brilliant photographers of Team Detour, we are delighted to share some memories of our time in Romania. A longtime dream for us was to take the bus on the Transfaragasan Highway, deemed the "best road in the world"...

A few photos from the random pile: Sarita and her stuffed chicken friend, scary basement dryers in Odessa, Bears and Llamas at the zoo hotel, Sarita and Caroline couch-sharing, the bus on the ferry crossing near Galati, Romania, and Don's gas station attendant friend adding a...

Eastern Europe July 16-21 We left out early and very hungover and tired from Klenova Castle. Our few hours' sleep was interrupted by a group of drunken ralliers playing golf among the tents. Unfortunately no one had the energy to get out of their tents and...

So lots of times, especially the horrible moments, I play a mental game I call "Bus or Couch" with myself. This invokes thinking how much easier life would be if we just stayed on the couch instead of taking this insane trip. Today was one where...

We are in Romania! Internet is a luxury, and we have been spending 12 hour days on the road, eating at truck stops, and fishing hot beer out of a cooler with no ice. Such is the glamorous Dixie Chicken life! We have just wrapped up...