Mongol Rally Tag

Eastern Ukrainian to the Russian border, July 24 and on to the Kazakhstan border July 25 Got a good start from the zoo hotel heading toward the Ukrainian border with Russia. Life on board settling to a new normal, with Pietro and Stefano fitting right in with...

Odessa Ukraine and onward to Kiev and further east-July 21-25 Sarita found us a pretty decent hotel for our two night rest in Odessa at the hotel Zhirka, nice except for prostitute floor (2nd) where Sarita and a few others were staying. We were on 4th,...

Eastern Europe July 16-21 We left out early and very hungover and tired from Klenova Castle. Our few hours' sleep was interrupted by a group of drunken ralliers playing golf among the tents. Unfortunately no one had the energy to get out of their tents and...

Mongol Rally first days July 13th-16th (Typed on a phone, so please forgive errors) The first week of the rally passed like a tornado. Long days of driving, a few memorable nights of parties, and the feeling of rushing to the next destination. Plus, without Internet access,...

So lots of times, especially the horrible moments, I play a mental game I call "Bus or Couch" with myself. This invokes thinking how much easier life would be if we just stayed on the couch instead of taking this insane trip. Today was one where...

These are Mr. Tom's wise words on Adventuring stupidity and the importance of serendipity. We like it! Adventure belongs to the bold and the idle. It’s not the exclusive reserve of mountains and jungles. You don’t need expensive plastic clothing. You don’t need beards or GPS. The enemy of...

We are in Romania! Internet is a luxury, and we have been spending 12 hour days on the road, eating at truck stops, and fishing hot beer out of a cooler with no ice. Such is the glamorous Dixie Chicken life! We have just wrapped up...

It has been a busy few weeks for this mother hen as we organize 14 team members to join us on the bus for the launch in England! But, it would seem that everyone is ready, if not actually packed, and we'll be meeting some...

There was a nice article in the local paper, the Post & Courier, about us and the bus this week.  Read the story here! We are grateful for reporter Jade McDuffie's interest in our adventure and her time in visiting with us before we took the...

Britany Robinson of Stars on the Ceiling kindly interviewed us for the blog about our rally and post rally plans. Here's the wonderful result of that interview--thanks so much, Britany!  ...