28 Oct Space Hopper: the Race
[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text]The legendary Space Hopper race from Lake Issey-Kul, Kyrgyzstan...
03 Aug Issykul is Cool
Issy-Kul is cool! The temps dropped dramatically after we began climbing toward the alpine lake. Our first view of the sparkling water bolstered our spirits considerably. We spent a leisurely afternoon near the town of Tamchy in a wide open area facing the lake. Everyone went for...
03 Aug Another day, another shakedown
August 1st: caught speeding (finally) About 9am a cop motioned us over asked for our documents, then directed Don to follow him back to the car. I bounded out alongside, to find a man in a dirty shirt and loafers with a full gold grill sitting...