Border Crossing Tag

Last night was a big lightening storm and sunset over the steppe was actually very pretty. A few of us discovered that our tents aren't waterproof, like Pietro, who described his night of swimming when we all joined up for coffee this morning. The rain has continued, as...

August 3 return to Kazakhstan We got up early to do some video work, with the girls making sand angels and also sport some mustaches for a fun segment. Sarita is so organized, and has the cheerful temperament of a Parris Island drill sergeant when needed. We...

August 1st: caught speeding (finally) About 9am a cop motioned us over asked for our documents, then directed Don to follow him back to the car. I bounded out alongside, to find a man in a dirty shirt and loafers with a full gold grill sitting...

Kazakhstan - this is not a good start to your relationship with the Dixie Chickens! It all started at the border. The grim-faced guard spilt all of us off from Don to go to a far away office while he inspected the vehicle with Don. Then,...

Eastern Ukrainian to the Russian border, July 24 and on to the Kazakhstan border July 25 Got a good start from the zoo hotel heading toward the Ukrainian border with Russia. Life on board settling to a new normal, with Pietro and Stefano fitting right in with...

Eastern Europe July 16-21 We left out early and very hungover and tired from Klenova Castle. Our few hours' sleep was interrupted by a group of drunken ralliers playing golf among the tents. Unfortunately no one had the energy to get out of their tents and...

So lots of times, especially the horrible moments, I play a mental game I call "Bus or Couch" with myself. This invokes thinking how much easier life would be if we just stayed on the couch instead of taking this insane trip. Today was one where...