What’s New?

These are Mr. Tom's wise words on Adventuring stupidity and the importance of serendipity. We like it! Adventure belongs to the bold and the idle. It’s not the exclusive reserve of mountains and jungles. You don’t need expensive plastic clothing. You don’t need beards or GPS. The enemy of...

We are in Romania! Internet is a luxury, and we have been spending 12 hour days on the road, eating at truck stops, and fishing hot beer out of a cooler with no ice. Such is the glamorous Dixie Chicken life! We have just wrapped up...

Don, Will and Tommy have spent the last week with the bus in England, visiting a few places while they wait for the rest of the team to arrive.  Navigating the roads of England have been quite an experience, especially that pesky "wrong" side of...

Happily reporting that the Team Dixie Chickens bus has arrived in England, and so has Gun Boat Don, along with teammates Will Houtz and Tommy Schultz.  They are currently in Southampton after picking her up from the port, before heading out to Bristol to meet...

It has been a busy few weeks for this mother hen as we organize 14 team members to join us on the bus for the launch in England! But, it would seem that everyone is ready, if not actually packed, and we'll be meeting some...

After so many months of planning, it seemed incredible that at last the Team Dixie Chicken bus would set sail across the Atlantic, but sail she did, on June 7, 2013. We had to deliver her to the port a week early, but I drove her...

[caption id="attachment_708" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo courtesy of Brett Carlson[/caption] On May 27, 2013, we were delighted to meet Geshe Topgyal of the Charleston Tibetan Society, who blessed our bus for her journey, adding a white Tibetan Khata, or prayer scarf, to our blue Mongolian Khata, as...

There was a nice article in the local paper, the Post & Courier, about us and the bus this week.  Read the story here! http://www.postandcourier.com/article/20130529/PC1606/130529137/1009/couple-to-travel-across-globe-in-school-bus We are grateful for reporter Jade McDuffie's interest in our adventure and her time in visiting with us before we took the...