01 Jun Utah vs Canada Beer
Round 2 of the beer tastings. This time it's Molson's Canadian vs Wasatch Brew Pub's Polygamy Porter from the rock laden state of Utah....
31 May Ranger Donski: Grand Tetons
The Grand Tetons in Wyoming and all their glory...
30 May Lost Episode of Cookin’ w/ Donski
Chef Donski & Amber show us how to prepare a wonderful Ramen & Tuna campfire feast to celebrate the bus returning to the U.S. at Flathead Lake in Montana....
30 May Rumor Has It They Have Rocks
Team Dixie Chickens has been on the road for more than two weeks now. Every day has been spent bouncing along in the bus viewing the beauty of British Columbia, the Yukon, Alberta, Montana, and Wyoming. Along the way we visited Yellowstone and Teton National...
28 May Beer Tastings: USA vs Canada
Somewhere in Canada...
28 May Why’d The Chickens Cross The Road?
It's an age old question about that chicken. Maybe it's not so much about the destination, that other side of the road, as it is the journey. In the meantime...
27 May “Hanski”
Donski empowers Hanski with the Russian Truck Driving Shirt!! Donski...
27 May No Graham Crackers
Trees and trees and trees...
26 May We Have A Good Routine
Thursday May 22 Left out early from Charley Lake Campground in Ft St John. Everyone got a shower (2 loonies got us 10 minutes of luxurious hot water) and we did laundry for the first time. Good spirits thanks to being all clean, despite our sadness at having to...