20 Jul Bus or Couch
So lots of times, especially the horrible moments, I play a mental game I call “Bus or Couch” with myself. This invokes thinking how much easier life would be if we just stayed on the couch instead of taking this insane trip.
Today was one where the couch might have won out. Sleep deprived from the amazing beach party in Oha Beach last night, we managed tearful goodbyes to departing teammates Cale, Johnny, and Lina. Sad to see them go for sure.
Then it was on the road through rolling pretty hills to the Moldovan border. One shakedown later, Don and Dave return with stories of corruption and the golden ticket for us to drive 15 minutes to the other side of Moldova.
Next up was the dreaded Ukraine border. 2 hours and another $30 bought us our freedom from border purgatory. Onward, with no breakfast, lunch, or dinner, we try to make Ishmael by nightfall. At 10 pm we find a dismal campground and crash for the night. Odessa tomorrow for much needed break.
Hope tomorrow will be more bus, less couch.