Bus Arrives in England

Bus Arrives in England

Happily reporting that the Team Dixie Chickens bus has arrived in England, and so has Gun Boat Don, along with teammates Will Houtz and Tommy Schultz.  They are currently in Southampton after picking her up from the port, before heading out to Bristol to meet the Adventurists at HQ on Friday.  From there the bus will make her way to home base for the next week, at Little Switzerland campground in Folkestone, awaiting the rest of the team.

Here she is, in all her glory.  Our only casualty during transit was the theft of our nice Kenwood stereo, wires and all.  But as our good friend Erik Ingvarson pointed out: “I think it was Lao Tzu who said ‘the greatest if journeys begin with having your stereo stolen’.  We’ll go with those (mis) quoted words of wisdom.

Be sure to follow us: http://www.teamdixiechickens.com/route/

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