23 Apr Fundraiser News
Saturday is shaping up to be a great day of entertainment! We’ll be at Seanachai Social Club starting at 4pm–look for the big yellow bus! 3157 Maybank Highway on Johns Island. Big thanks to Gerry for hosting us for the big event!
Bands start at 4:30 pm with Bobby and the Short Bus Songwriters Group, followed by Herin and the Non-Game Birds, The Harmonaters, and finishing up with a fabulous trio of John Krucke, Michael Murray, and Bruce Patrick starting at 7:30 pm.
Our grand prize for the raffle this year is a boat! Friend and fellow Dixie Chicken Cale Cauley has donated his entry in the Georgetown Wooden Boat show, a beautiful skiff ready for the water this summer! Other prizes include gourmet baskets, gift certificates to area restaurants, a generous bar tab at Seanachai, a handcrafted hula hoop, and much more!
Please lend a hand to help our charity of choice! Add your own handprint and name on the bus that’s going around the world for just a $15 donation to Lotus Children’s Home.
Be a part of the Dixie Chicken team!