Canadian Crossing

Canadian Crossing

Our first day on the road found us slipping easily into life on the bus. Sarah organized everything including us into our proper places. Will started his quick trip to being our homeless vagrant by building a cave in his seat out of all his detritus. Kara and Hans are great travelers and take all in stride. I drove the first leg into Canada and was amazed that the border guards didn’t require the usual bottle of vodka and a pack of smokes to get us into the country.

Kara took over driving once we got into the Canadian Rockies. Who knew that it was proper to accelerate into huge curves with no side rails to stop you from hurtling to your death. We rolled into Kelowna around six o’clock and set out to find our friend Amber’s home to camp for the night. Google maps will get you close however we all decided that the middle of a road probably wasn’t where she lived. After a bit of riding around we lucked out and found our site pleasantly nestled in a beautiful apple and cherry orchard. Camp was set up and dinner served. We met James who lives here as well and had a few beers before turning in.

> This morning we were delighted to see our first real Canadian Geese. We knew they were authentic when they flew over saying Eh! Eh! Eh!
