Launch Day News

Launch Day News

The past few days in Snohomish, WA we’ve enjoyed the incomparable hospitality of our bus babysitters, Kara and Kevin. They even threw an amazing party to say goodbye to the bus. Both are accomplished home brewers and brewery veterans, too, so the party beer was the best we’ve ever had!

Kevin built a short bus replica for serving kegs, plus had a few extra on hand for a keg tossing competition. It was a great night and we met many of their friends who’d enjoyed brew tours on the bus during her winter hiatus.

On the road today to Kewlona, where we will pick up recent graduate Amber, plus Dixie Chicken Tommy, before our northward turn to the Yukon Territory. Also aboard for this leg: Will as able navigator, Kara for local knowledge of where to stock up on good beer before we cross the line, and Hans for tech and moral support.

Beautiful mountain scenery all around and lots of the usual stares and waves when the bus goes by. Crossing the border into Canada this afternoon–let’s hope it goes better than Kazakhstan!


