Rally Statistics

Mileage Stats

Charleston, USA to Southampton, UK: 4,300 (at sea)

Southampton, UK to Mamaia, Romania 2,130 (included UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania)

Mamaia, Romania to Astrakhan, Russia: 1,730 (including Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, and Russia)

Astrakhan, Russia to Semey, Kazakhstan: 3,100 (including Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan)

Semey, Kazakhstan to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: 2,440 (including Kazakhstan, Russia, and Mongolia)

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia to Vladivostok, Russia: 2,700 (including Mongolia, and Russia)

Vladivostok, Russia to Saikiminato, Japan: 720 (at sea)

Saikiminato, Japan to Yokohama, Japan:  750 miles

Yokohama, Japan to Tacoma, USA: 5,000 miles (at sea)

Total Mongol Rally miles: 9,400 miles

Total around the world thus far: 22,870 miles

Travel Stats

Where did we sleep?

In a tent: 19 nights (not counting Sarita, who slept just about every night in her bus seat)

In our bus seats: 7 nights -these were the dreaded overnight runs, where we’d push for 16-18 hours at a stretch, stopping only to swap drivers and sleep in the wee hours.

In a real, honest to God bed: 11 nights

How clean were we?

An impressive 13 showers in 35 days.

How many police stops?

Possibly a rally record here of 20 total, most in Kazakhstan

And on a related note, how many bribes?

None, except for the border guard who stole our bottle of Jaeger.  Still hate that guy!

Rally trivia

Temperature of drinking water in Kazakhstan desert= around 100F within 30 minutes of purchase from cooler in gas station.

Rating system for outhouses went from 0-10 until we got to Kazakhstan, where we instituted an emergency rating of 12 for a particularly awful example.

Rally truths

•  Free beer has a price  •  Don’t touch my jerky  •  Turning right is “taking a Lenin” with accompanying hand gesture •  Getting lost is “going to a birthday party” • Orheonacho is our alternative team name, meaning flammable in Russian

