Final days together-Caroline

Final days together-Caroline

Midweek brought yet another departure of a teammate, this time Caroline Wheeler. We celebrated one last time together at the Chinggis Brewery, downing far too many of their big draft beers while we recounted our favorite stories from the road. Caroline has been such an asset to the team, and grown to be a great friend along the way. She has that classic English stoicism, never complaining when times were tough, and always pitching in when needed. Caroline got along with everyone, showing grace and kindness, but still offering a wicked sense of humor and quick wit when called for. However, her driving was just plain awful, and she even managed to terrify Don on her one and only stint behind the wheel. But Caroline was great company and a good teammate in every other way. And she is terrified of pigeons, which we found hilarious once we got to the Gandan monastery where there are thousands if them.

We will miss her, and our days together on the road. The experience of putting so many strangers together on our little bus and forging a team of friends has been the best part of this incredible journey.

A few pictures of our favorite Brit!



